Thank you for being a part of the Wards History!

Thank YOU for Being a Part of the Wards History!
Customers like you made it an AMAZING 150 years and it’s because of you we celebrate! We hope you enjoy this look back at some of the highlights from the past 150 years.

Did You Know…
That Montgomery Ward was America’s first mail-order catalog business? It was launched in 1872 with a single-sheet catalog offering 163 items!

Did You Know…
That 1939 Montgomery Ward asked one of its catalog copywriters to write a children’s book for the holiday season and that’s how Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was born?

Did You Know…
That in the early 1900s Montgomery Ward sold more than 32,000 houses through their mail order business? Some of those houses are still standing today!

Did You Know…
That in the 1920s Montgomery Ward had over 500 retail stores across the country with its flagship store located on Michigan Avenue in Chicago?

Did You Know…
Back in the early 1900s Montgomery Ward hired couriers, nicknamed “Pickers,” who would roller skate around the Wards offices delivering messages and packages?

Did You Know…
That in the mid-1950s Montgomery Ward sold animals via mail order? Customers could browse the catalog pages and buy cats, dogs or even ponies!

Did You Know…
That Montgomery Ward was the first catalog to offer the “satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” promise? What is today considered standard in the catalog industry, was pioneered by Wards!