Chef Tested Smokeless Electric Indoor Grill, Chef Tested Smokeless Electric Indoor Grill, , large click and hold to zoom
Chef Tested Smokeless Electric Indoor Grill, Chef Tested Smokeless Electric Indoor Grill, , large click and hold to zoom

Chef Tested Smokeless Electric Indoor Grill


Sale Price $149.99
Only $20.00 a Month Buy Now, Pay Later



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Grill up your favorite foods—right on your countertop! Nonstick cast aluminum grill plate has a 112-sq. in. cooking surface. Temperature range from 248–482° F. Includes grill housing, tempered glass lid, grill plate, steel drip pan, plastic drip tray and heating element/control panel. Grill plate, drip pan and drip tray are dishwasher safe. 19 1/2" l x 12" w x 7 1/2" h (with lid).
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